• 寻找黎明
  • 寻找黎明

    Franziska Schissler,Khu,Alexander Kane
    2022-08-23 13:28:33

In 2245, the Earth’s sun has dwindled and no longer provides the energy needed to sustain human life.Five hired mercenaries travel to an uncharted planet to collect a rare mineral known as stardust to replenish the dying star. After their spaceship crashes on the alien planet, they are stalked and hunted by a creature far more advanced than anything they have ever encountered before…不过他这会儿有些头晕,不想跟他们啰嗦,于是挥手道:“既然只是言语不慎,那就算了,他们知错就行,让他们出宫回去休息吧。”


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