• 真人快打传奇:王国之战
  • 真人快打传奇:王国之战

    乔丹·罗德里格斯,帕特里克·赛兹,巴亚尔多·德·穆古拉,Dave B. Mitchell,詹妮弗·卡朋特,Grey Griffin,乔尔·麦克哈尔
    2021-09-01 17:50:29

方岳恒被抽了之后,甚至已经连话都说不出来,因为苏离直接剥夺了对方说话的权力。The movie picks up right after Scorpion's Revenge where the heroes are attacked by Shao Kahn, which will force "Raiden and his group of warriors into a deal to compete in a final Mortal Kombat that will determine the fate of the realms." This forces the good guys to travel to Outworld defend Earthrealm while Scorpion journeys to find the Kamidogu (a mystic relic made by the almighty Elder Gods) before it is used to bring back the mysterious One Being, who would destroy the universe.


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