• 桑之叶
  • 桑之叶

    2019-10-14 19:12:50

“而这样的存在,不论是厉害的人物还是不厉害的人物,总之,其存在于皇族中,那,皇族就是真无敌的。”The widow of our village versus a Ukrainian bride!A competition is held to see who is tastier!Fair skin, red lips, big breasts and a thin waistline as well as a big butt; In-hae used to have men eating out of her hands with perfect looks and amazing techniques. One day, she is rivaled by Ahn-hyeop with bouncy blonde hair, blue eyes and long arms and legs. She's from Ukraine and draws the attention of all the men. In-hae is upset at her appearance. She attempts to attract the men back with a more seductive method.


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