• 月光
  • 月光

    Hunter Bussemaker,Franck Sasonoff
    2020-08-09 23:52:00

既然人家看她,她也就大大方方的看回去,大家稀奇对稀奇,也就没所谓礼貌不礼貌了。Claire lives with her wealthy adopted parents in a luxurious and isolated house in the woods. She discovers a wounded and bleeding boy her age in her family's garden shed. The boy is a young drug courier from Afghanistan; shot and wounded after serving his purpose as human packing material. Claire decides to keep the boy a secret. He slowly recovers under her care; and they fall in love. When the drug dealers return and Claire's family is due to move back to the city; they decide to flee; though Claire finds it difficult to outrun her past as an abandoned child.


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