• 定制版瘦身食谱
  • 定制版瘦身食谱

    Chris van Tulleken,Tanya Byron
    2020-06-12 23:52:30

Dr Chris van Tulleken and Prof Tanya Byron team up with scientists from Oxford and Cambridge universities to see if they can help 75 overweight members of the public win their battle with weight loss.Each dieter undergoes a series of scientific tests to find out the main reason for why they put on weight. The constant cravers have genes that mean they feel hungry all the time, the feasters have a misfiring gut hormone that stops them from knowing when they’re feeling full. The final group, the emotional eaters, eat in response to stress.Each group is put on a specific diet that is tailored to counteract the main reason they put on weight. Will this new approach to dieting be more effective?当年一拳将祖师打落深渊,断绝恩怨的同时,也断绝了前路。如今的外道王哪怕是凝固了,依旧纵横深渊无敌手,在黄金黎明里厮混的如鱼得水。只看群星号那一战就知道,那老头儿一打四,顺带还空手拆机甲,跟玩一样,猛的要命。


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