• 毒美
  • 毒美

    2020-02-29 23:53:10

Beauty products are a multi-billion-dollar industry. Despite public attention, companies continue to get away with harmful practices that leave the average consumer wondering which brand can be trusted. Toxic Beauty's case in point is the landmark class action lawsuit brought by female cancer survivors against Johnson & Johnson, in the face of the company's insistence that their baby talc products are safe. In exclusive interviews with scientists, whistleblowers and lawyers, the film reveals the ongoing lack of government regulation of cosmetics. To personalize the effects, the film enlists Mymy, a young medical student whose morning beauty routine includes more than 27 mainstream products. Her body is tested, then tested again after using clean beauty products; the results are shocking. The film ultimately concludes that without action, the greatest chemical disaster may be the one happening inside our bodies.“反正都是准备低价处理掉的东西,能够在你手里发挥余热的话也算创造了点价值。”


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