• 魔力
  • 魔力

    Richard Burton,Gordon Jackson,Michael Byrne,利诺·文图拉
    2020-01-20 23:53:38

Morlar, a second class writer, is brutally killed. His head is totally smashed. When Inspector Brunel, a French cop, working in an exchange program in London, and sergeant Duff look up in his appartment, Morlar comes back to life. He resistst all his violations, a medical sensation. The researches show, that all people, who hurt Morlar in any way, died thereafter in a strange way. Above all, to those people belong authorities, as his parents, teachers, priests. Morlar thought, he initiated ALL catastrophies on earth. When he asked Dr.Zonfeld for help and she didn't believe him, he let an airplane crash into a building. Why doesn't he die ? Does it have something to do with the Queen visitig Westminster AbbeY ? And Windscale ?要知道这般世界死了可没什么分身之类的套娃可以继续苟活,因为这种世界走的是轮回体系,那种不死不灭抑或者是无限套娃的模式,在这个世界行不通不说,甚至都没有任何人能开发出相应的道统。


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