• 死亡扳机
  • 死亡扳机

    2020-11-16 07:25:30

Based on the hugely successful first-person shooter game (over30 million downloads), DEAD TRIGGER is set in a world where amysterious virus has killed billions and turned many others intobloodthirsty zombies.Unable to stop the virus, the government develops a videogame, “Dead Trigger,” that mirrors the terrifying events thatcurse the world. The players who kill the most zombies in thegame are recruited to combat the zombie horde in real life.Led by Captain Kyle Walker (Dolph Lundgren), the elite teamtravels to Terminal City, the origin of the outbreak, to find a teamof scientists who have been working on a possible cure for thevirus. The only way to get to them, however, is through a city fullof terrifying undead mutants.十指之上遍布老茧,袖口处还沾染一丝粉笔的灰尘,哪怕已经到了这个年纪,依旧未曾离开学校的讲坛。


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