• 驻颜有术
  • 驻颜有术

    Cherry Healey
    2019-11-29 23:52:57

In the UK over £9 billion a year are spent on beauty products that promise to improve and transform us. But how much of what these products promise is based in scientific evidence, and how much is simply marketing manipulation?Cherry Healey teams up with independent scientists to put everyday cosmetics to the test like never before. In a groundbreaking study carried out by the University of Sheffield, and with the help of 25 volunteers, she discovers that moisturisers might not have the benefits people think they do.“哦,是羊肉,”周四郎笑得眼睛都眯起来了,得意道:“我回来的路上碰到了从西域来的商人,他们赶了一批羊过来,有几只脚走坏了,当下就杀了买肉,我看那肉不错,就买了好些,就着大料煮起来,现在天气正好凉了,吃羊肉最好了。”


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