• 黑猩猩帝国
  • 黑猩猩帝国

    2023-04-20 14:43:03

  Set under the lush canopies of Uganda’s Ngogo Forest, scientists and field trackers have lived alongside this tribe for the last 25 years, watching as they built a sophisticated political and familial structure: forming alliances, building trust, caring for one another, and often going head to head in a never ending fight for power. Reed and his team embedded a camera crew to capture an intimate look at the chimps of Ngogo, which saw some of the most tumultuous battles and dramatic changes in the tribe’s history. During the series, babies will grow, relationships will blossom, and leaders will rise and fall.祁凤语道:“其实,对于三座玲珑山的情况,我早已知晓,而玲珑山的名字,来自于玲珑仙骨。”


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