• 迷宫:秘密爱
  • 迷宫:秘密爱

    2023-04-18 11:18:41

说到底,这场比赛不支持组队,即便是同一个国家的选手在规则上其实也是敌手,双方一旦靠近了,就是战斗误伤,相当麻烦。而这个大厅虽然大,但也并不支持三股庞大的地狱军团的展开,更不要说刚才也见识了BOSS的大面积杀伤能力了。  Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon coincidentally meet at an acting audition. A strange gentleman appears in front of the both of them who are sick of failing at these auditions and suggests something to them. Meanwhile, Ayaka comes to Korea with her best friend Saori to meet her fiancé, Min-joon's parents. She runs into Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon who ask her to star in something and although she's not up for it, she's ushered into doing it by Shiori who loves handsome men. They move locations to a run-down facility and suddenly all exits are blocked and the four of them are trapped. Ayaka looks for an exit but instead finds cameras put up everywhere and gets the feeling that they are being watched. She suspects Yong-joon and Dong-hyeon of being behind this. Suddenly, young men overdosed with gas appear out of no where and try to rape Ayaka and Shiori. Dong-hyeon and Yong-joon fight them to save the women. All this is recorded live and sent to a crowd who is watching from a theater,enjoying it. Yong-joon and Shiori escape into another room but soon they are gassed and they suddenly want each other so bad. Then Shiori loses her mind and kills Yong-joon. Min-joon is watching this amongst the crowd at the theater. What happened between Ayaka and Min-joon...?


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