• AMI

    Debs Howard、Philip Granger、Sam Robert Muik
    2020-12-31 12:01:00

那人看了苏离一眼,声音如道音,语气温和,同时微微抱拳躬身行礼,以表示对于‘天皇子’身份的认可。Seventeen-year-old Cassie has become a recluse ever since her mother died in a horrible car accident. In an effort to fill the void, she downloads the latest intelligent personal assistant A.M.I., which is also the first to have a real consciousness. Their relationship quickly deepens into a twisted co-dependency and Cassie falls deeper and deeper under A.M.I.s spell; driving her to perform what Cassie perceives as justifiable murderous acts. But what are A.M.I.s true intentions? Soon Cassie begins to realize A.M.I. has something sinister planned.


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