• 正义
  • 正义

    Jackson Rathbone...Thomas McCord
    2019-10-14 19:15:09

苏离沉思着的时候,这时候,水龙卷渐渐平息,他的分身也就是那身外化身,则漂浮在了黑水之中,像是一具浮尸一样。  It"s 1868 and the war has been over for three years. An old abandoned mine is now being transformed into a military stronghold by a corrupt Mayor and band of bloodthirsty outlaws whom are a part of a larger web hell-bent on a re-surge of the civil war. When a US Marshal| James McCord comes to town only to find out that hisbrother has been murdered| his search for the killer takes him on life or death struggle for a much greater cause.


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