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    赫尔穆特·贝格,Marc Susini,伊莲娜·扎贝斯,Laura Poulvet
    2020-06-13 23:30:58

1774, a few years before the French Revolution, somewhere between Potsdam and Berlin... Madame de Dumeval, the Duke of Tesis and the Duke of Wand, libertines expelled from the Puritan court of Louis XVI, sought the support of the legendary Duke of Walchen, a seducer and free thinker from Germany, alone in a country where hypocrisy and false virtue reigned. Their mission: to export libertinage to Germany, a philosophy of enlightenment based on the rejection of morality and authority but also, and above all, to find a safe place to continue their misguided games.不仅是她,其实包括冷云裳,也在做这件事,只不过很不巧,冷云裳和风遥安插在云易梵身边的两颗棋子,被误打误撞的拔掉了,这倒是有些可惜。


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