• 极幻世界
  • 极幻世界

    西蒙·弗鲁威思,Paul Forman,约瑟夫·哈德,沃尔夫冈·许布施
    2024-03-01 00:54:28

大飞感慨道:“还真不愧是万妖之祖啊,我还以为你会不惜代价的喊着要报仇打杀呢。好,我同意你的要求!”17-year-old Jakob wants nothing more than to feel alive. Uncontrollable anxiety attacks prevent him from doing so and force him to escape into virtual worlds. One night, he meets 26-year-old Kristjan in a cam chat. Their encounter marks the beginning of a transpersonal journey to the wounds of their souls.


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  4. 幸运天钻 2019-11-09
  5. 生死缆车 2023-03-21
  6. 逃出绝命镇 2024-02-28
  7. 森林之门 2023-02-27
  8. 痊愈/索命 2019-10-14
  9. 隧道尽头 2020-09-10
  10. 还魂 2023-02-27
  11. 致命录像带 2022-12-02
  12. 魔童 2023-02-22
  13. 惊魂电影院 2022-12-01
  14. 血亲 2022-12-01
  15. 地狱传说 2019-10-14
  1. 极幻世界 2024-03-01
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  15. 丘比特 2022-11-28
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