• 金宝:网络现形记
  • 金宝:网络现形记

    爱德华·斯诺登,莫比,朱利安·阿桑奇,Glenn Greenwald
    2019-10-14 19:16:00

The larger-than-life story of Kim Dotcom, the "most wanted man online", is extraordinary enough, but the battle between Dotcom and the US Government and entertainment industry, being fought in New Zealand, is one that goes to the heart of ownership, privacy and piracy in the digital age. Three years in the making, this independent film chronicles a spectacular moment in global online history, dubbed the 'largest copyright case’ ever and the truth about what happened.虫子越杀越多,后续更是如海啸一般汹涌而出,可是蚁多咬死象的道理,在苏离这里行不通。


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